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Tomato Based Seafood Stew

Insanely delicious slow simmered white wine tomato based broth with gently cooked shellfish & squid drizzled with a parsley, fennel frond & celery leaf gremolata. You can do this, and I'm here to help!

Ancient Grain Crêpes

Fifteen years ago, a gluten-free diet was basically nonexistent. There were very few gluten-free products or even ingredients to use, if you really wanted to eat the delicious carbs we all crave, you had to make it yourself or be deprived. That’s when I started experimenting. Ultimately, not having access forced me into thinking creatively and I haven’t stopped since. I find the challenge of making the things I love out of new ingredients really fascinating, it feels less like a restriction to me and more like a new door opening. So, what do I mean by ‘ancient’? Ancient grains are ones that have been unchanged - not manipulated in any way (unlike modern day wheat, which has been altered...

Planetary Health Diet

Now that a team of scientists have weighted in with feedback on how to eat as a society to preserve the integrity and quite frankly reality of eating in the future; they have composed a great diet to follow which was aptly named: The Planetary Health Diet. Focused on a better balance of animal proteins to vegetable based proteins and food sources. Something I have been living and preaching for years.

Easy on Knees Exercise

Anyone need to be delicate with their knees? Open the door the the gym and look around at all the equipment thinking: no, nope, definitely not, no again, and turn around and walk out? Knees are a tricky thing because they take a beating as a primary joint in our bodies - when we walk, the pressure on our knees is about 1.5X the weight of our bodies. Even if you do not have knee problems, it is always a helpful strategy to build muscle around your knees and in your legs to support the knees and keep them healthy and you active as long as possible!

Technology and Disassociation

We are a community of addicts, created by a very well intended Steve Jobs. The phone brings us connection to friends - seeing their worlds and lives from thousands of miles away, games, ability to learn languages, check email, fax, scan, create videos, track out fitness and and endless list of other things. But, with everything in life, there is the good and the bad, what is the toll technology is taking on our body and soul?

Emotional Eating

What makes you most anxious? Maybe just the word anxious gives you butterflies in your stomach, a reminder of something that is causing you stress and anxiety. In so many cases, the periods in life where we feel the most stress, out of control of our lives, we turn to food - either eating in excess or restricting. But why? What is the deal with our gut reacting so strongly to our emotions?